Be there as the wind whispers over the sea and the birds sing in harmony. As the waterfall crashes into the ocean and as the sun beams it’s amber hue from high in the sky.
Be there on a hot summer’s day when the cool breeze passes by all too fleetingly, never long enough to overpower the searing heat.
Be there when the sound of laughter pierces the sky and joy eminates with careless ease.
Be there when the stars decorate the night sky like art on a smooth canvas. When the moon glows benevolently like a guiding lamp.
Be there as the trees sway in rhythm with the wind, as if dancing an eternal dance of love.
Be there in the beauty of the present moment when past and future events are outside the periphery of thought.
Be there to observe the power of silence; knowing that there is oneness in it all. That you are in it, part of it and ultimately it. That there is a divine purpose and to truly experience it all, you simply have to be present.
© Corner of Inspiration